11 Dec Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Begins 06:12 11:59 13:36 15:55 17:32
Timetable & Calendar Jama'ah 06:30 12:30 14:00 16:00 18:30
Academic Interactive Workshop And Q&A Session

Academic Interactive Workshop And Q&A Session

We will be holding an interactive workshop here at Muslim Welfare House. The main topic of this workshop will be about what to pursue after education. University? Apprenticeship? Spring Term? Graduate Scheme? This workshop is mostly aimed at: GCSE Students Sixth Form/...
Graduation day for budding builders

Graduation day for budding builders

A dozen adult learners have set the foundation for future building careers after they successfully completed their Construction Skills Certificate Scheme (CSCS) – allowing them to apply for job opportunities in the sector. CSCS is the leading skills certification...
5 Days Construction Training

5 Days Construction Training

Want to work in construction? Complete our course to help you move into a job Open to Finsbury Park Residents only Mon to Fri 8 to 12 August, 9am-4pm. Each day, at Muslim Welfare House 233 Seven Sisters Road, London N4 2DA Call Abdi Yusuf on: 02075273027  or...

Youth Employment Conference

Young Muslims & Christians: employment conference from Christian Muslim Forum on Vimeo. On 23rd March 2016, 6pm-8pm at Finsbury Park Mosque there were four small group discussions about challenges facing the youth of the surrounding community. The large group was...