18 Feb Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Begins 05:28 12:20 14:50 17:25 18:54
Timetable & Calendar Jama'ah 05:45 12:30 15:15 17:30 19:15

Sponsor Free Daily Iftar in Ramadan

The Muslim Welfare House provides iftar for over 500 people on a daily basis in the month of Ramadan.

If you are interested in taking part in this great act and want to contribute to the iftar donations, please use the link below or contact the reception (Cash or Card).

The prophet ﷺ said:

[Whoever provides food for a fasting person, he will have the reward of the one fasting…]>

please use the link below or contact the reception (Cash or Card).

We need your support

Your generous donation will enable us spread peace, get together and serve the local communities.

Many thanks

Gift Aid explanation and how it works

Gift Aid is one of the simplest and most effective ways of giving to charity. It is a scheme introduced by HM Revenue & Customs, which allows us to reclaim the basic rate tax you pay as a UK taxpayer. Gift Aid is worth at least an extra 25p for every £1 you give. This is at absolutely no extra cost to you! Please remember that what you pay in income/capital gains tax, must at least equal the amount we will reclaim against your gift. Other taxes such as Council Tax and VAT do not qualify.


With Gift Aid, your donation of £10.00 would be worth £12.50 at no extra cost to you.

Further information on Gift Aid from GOV.uk

Pay your Zakat Al Fitr & Zakat Al Mal (wealth Zakat)

Where we most need your generous donation & support

Once you click, You will have the option to make your donation a one off or a monthly direct debit.

General Donation

General donation will be spend on strengthening community work, spreading peace and love and day to day running the Centre.

Bills and Utilities

Bills includes keeping the Masjid and the children schools warm, having hot water for Wudhu and lighting the Mosque 

Zakat Wealth

Better to remember and pay it in Ramadhan to get ten time good deeds. for more details on Zakat please click here. Click below to pay it now.


Bank transfer

Please call us to get our bank account:

Many thanks and Jazak Allah khayr for your generous donation.

Donate by TEXT message

You can simply donate using your smart phone/mobile phone. Instead of texting to a phone number, please text to this number: 70085 then in your text message space write the following message MYMASJID leave a space then add (no more than £20) the amount of donation e.g. £7.00. The final text will look like: MYMASJID 7

About Just Giving:
JustTextGiving text donation is a service provided by Vodafone. They don’t charge for this service, the good news is that 100% of your donation goes to Muslim Welfare House.

If you are using your international phone number then please contact your service provider to check for any additional roaming or overseas charges that may apply in conjunction with this service. The amount you donate will show in your next mobile bill.

Many thanks and Jazak Allah khayr for your generous donation.

Gift Aid donation at no extra cost to you

Please GIFT AID your donations if you are a UK taxpayer, the value of your donation can be increased by 25% under the Gift Aid scheme without affecting your donation.
We can claim back the tax from the Inland Revenue on your behalf.
Please download our Gift Aid declaration Form

Donation Form
Please download our Donation Form , print, fill in and send it back to our address. If you do wish we can send you a form by email or by post or you can collected it from our office.
Send a cheque
Or you can send us a cheque payable to :
Muslim Welfare House and send it to: 233 Seven Sisters Road, London N4 2DA

Many thanks and Jazak Allah khayr for your generous donation.

Gift Aid donation explained
If you pay tax at the higher or additional rate, you can claim the difference between the rate you pay and basic rate on your donation. Do this either:

ExampleYou donate £100 to charity – they claim Gift Aid to make your donation £125. You pay 40% tax so you can personally claim back £25.00 (£125 x 20%).

With Payroll Giving, you don’t pay the difference between the higher and basic rate of tax on your donation.

Find out more about Gift Aid

Tax relief when you donate to a charity

Donating straight from your wages or pension

If your employer, company or personal pension provider runs a Payroll Giving scheme, you can donate straight from your wages or pension. This happens before tax is deducted from your income.

Ask your employer or pension provider if they run a Payroll Giving scheme.

You can’t donate to a community amateur sports club (CASC) through Payroll Giving.

The tax relief you get depends on the rate of tax you pay. To donate £1, you pay:

  • 80p if you’re a lower rate taxpayer
  • 60p if you’re a higher rate taxpayer
  • 55p if you’re an additional rate taxpayer