11 Dec Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Begins 06:12 11:59 13:36 15:55 17:32
Timetable & Calendar Jama'ah 06:30 12:30 14:00 16:00 18:30

Mission Statement

To provide best practice social, educational and training centres sensitive and complimentary to cultural diversity, geared to fulfilling the needs of marginalised and ethnic communities in line with our dedication to serving the community across the UK.

Our Aims


To look after Muslim community

Accommodating their educational, social and welfare needs, with a focus:

Promote Awareness and Understanding

To help promote awareness and understanding of Islamic beliefs, practices and culture-linking with mainstream providers and other; including voluntary, organisations to facilitate better mutual understanding and provision

To work positively for the Muslim community

To work positively for the Muslim community’s participation in society – by particularly encouraging socially excluded communities to improve their quality of life by assessing mainstream opportunities in education, employment and training.

Our Objectives


Training skills for most disaffected

To provide a holistic package of support measures to our user community during focused skills training – to achieve this we will have one to one support and counselling which is of particular benefit to those most disaffected.

Promote Awareness and Understanding

To help promote awareness and understanding of Islamic beliefs, practices and culture-linking with mainstream providers and other; including voluntary, organisations to facilitate better mutual understanding and provision

To work positively for the Muslim community

To work positively for the Muslim community’s participation in society – by particularly encouraging socially excluded communities to improve their quality of life by assessing mainstream opportunities in education, employment and training.

Our Values







Our Latest Financial reports

31 March 2014  Download

31 March 2015  Download

31 March 2016  Coming soon