10 Nov Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Begins 05:28 11:50 13:54 16:21 17:54
Timetable & Calendar Jama'ah 05:45 12:30 14:15 16:26 18:30

What Are We Looking For?

We are looking for great articles that offers benefit to our website visitors and readers. The following are wide choice of areas we are keen to publish and share with our readers:

What To Write About 
Islam and Other Religions

  1. Islamic articles and literature
  2. Research in the Muslim community
  3. Muslim history in the UK
  4. Women is Islam
  5. Muslim Youth challenges in the UK
  6. Animal right in Islam
  7. Any other relevant issue relation to Muslims in the UK

Articles or contents should:

  1. Be between 500-700 words and written in English language
  2. Can have two external links including one to your website or blog
  3. Be original and not have been published earlier on your blog or elsewhere
  4. Be submitted in Microsoft Word document or editable
  5. Be accompanied by a brief undertaking from you about its ownership
  6. Be emailed to ahmed@mwht.org.uk

Submit Your Article Idea
Please submit your article summary idea below. If we like your article, we will email you complete instructions to begin writing for us.

Thank you for your contribution

Muslim Welfare House
233 Seven Sisters Road
London, N4 2DA
Tel: 02072633071
Email: info@mwht.org.uk

Please enter your contact details and a short message below and we will try to answer your query as soon as possible. Thanks you.

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