11 Dec Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Begins 06:12 11:59 13:36 15:55 17:32
Timetable & Calendar Jama'ah 06:30 12:30 14:00 16:00 18:30

An amazing warm welcome

On the 18th of Feb 2018 Muslim Welfare House opened its door to the wider community to visit the Mosque and share a cup of tea with the Muslim community. an initiate by MCB under the title of #VisitMyMosque where more than 150 neighbours from Islington and other boroughs attended the open day and were received by a very warm welcome not only by the organiser but also from the Muslim community. Special thanks to all neighbours, visitors, volunteers, staff and our sponsors.

Some comments from visitors:

1. Thank you  so much for a wonderfu welcome and a facinating insight into Islam. What a treat! Sarah + Annie Finsbury Park <3

2. Thank you for welcoming me. I walk past daily and have always been curious. I appreciate having all of you as neighbors Dr. Jennifer A. Rude

3. Thank you for opening the mosque and for the clear explanations. Always good to learn. Chris Donovan